What data scientists do for us - and what we do for them

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May 31, 2022
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Data are all around us. When we turn off our alarm in the morning, what we watch on any given streaming service and which kind of shows we prefer, what we have bought recently in an online shop and what we are likely to buy in the future: Every bit of information that is out there is stored and eventually further processed.
That is where data scientists come in, to find out and develop possible applications for the data available to them. Where there is data, there is a data scientist to figure out what best to do with them.

As a result, data scientists are highly sought after. If they are not happy where they are today they can find a use for their talents elsewhere tomorrow. At Bayes Esports, where we are looking to unite not just some, but the brightest and most talented minds in the industry, that means going to great lengths to develop a fun and empowering working environment for everyone. 

What exactly that entails for us is something the ARD, Germany’s largest media network, took a look at just recently. They visited us to talk about the work our data scientists do for us, from creating algorithms to calculating win probabilities, but more importantly what we do for them, from flexible working hours to regular visits from massage therapists. 

We want everyone at Bayes to follow a common goal: Driving esports forward. However, we want to leave the interpretation of what that means to every single individual. Creative freedom and flexibility are key contributors to what a person is able to achieve by themselves. Complementing each other and having fun together dictate what a group of people can achieve together.

Playing games together, discussing esports and finding creative solutions together is where our strength as a company comes from. We are more than the sum of our parts and so is the entire esports industry.
And above all else, we are having fun shaping the future of the industry together!

We were very happy to have been able to share some insights of our work with the ARD. For those that are interested, you can find the link to the original feature here https://www.ardaudiothek.de/episode/swr2-feature/anja-kempe-die-programmierer-eine-besondere-spezies-und-ihre-haltung/swr2/10466023/ (GERMAN)

And for those that are interested in becoming a part of the Bayes Family, find a suitable job offering for you here Jobs (bayesesports.com)


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